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CALL NOW 479-442-1435

Every client is important to Sarah. She understands each case is unique and will apply her decades of experience to your situation. Sarah aims to ease your stress by making sure you are informed at every stage of the process.
Sarah will fight hard for you. The best way for her to be your advocate is knowing all the facts. Collecting evidence and thoroughly explaining your situation is the best way for Sarah to galvanize her efforts. You will know Sarah is your advocate immediately and recognize her passion during the initial consultation.
Take a Deep Breath
No one plans on getting a divorce. But, if you have tried most everything to keep your marriage intact, and divorce is now your last option, planning ahead and being proactive is a good way to begin. There are several things to consider before filing for divorce that may help ease some of your stress once the case begins.
Start Smart
Recognize when your marriage is not reparable. Consider the emotional impact on your children and yourself. Do not use your children against your spouse. Encourage a positive parent-child relationship with your spouse when appropriate. Provide consistency in your children's school/extracurricular schedules. Negative energy will not improve your standing when deciding custody.
Maintain job, home, and income stability. Have a support system of family and friends in place. Plan a budget for retaining an attorney.

Get Organized
Be able to access bank accounts. Know your debt obligations. Obtain a record of any retirement accounts. Maintain health and auto insurance policies. Plan a visitation schedule for your spouse and children. Avoid making derogatory comments about your spouse in the presence of your children, and do not encourage third parties to do so. Make a list of marital property detailing what you want to keep as yours. Keep communications with your spouse cordial (texts/social media, etc). Maintain a record of any disparaging communications from your spouse. Determine whether you can discuss settlement with your spouse.
High Asset Divorce
Williamson Law Firm, PLLC is capable of processing complex divorces with considerable amounts of personal property and financial accounts. An unrepresented high net-worth individual can be easily taken advantage of by opposing counsel. We have the expertise to properly handle your business assets/debt obligations, retirement accounts, marital property and other investments throughout your divorce.
Financial Infidelity is one of the most common reasons for divorce. Many spouses hide assets in an attempt to make them not subject to the divorce. We can work with skilled accountants to find hidden accounts, hidden debt, and personal property. We are here to protect your assets and make sure you aren't taken advantage of. Call us today to protect both your family and assets.
Proceed Prepared
After you have gotten organized, take a deep breath, then call us:
479-225-2171 or 479-442-1435

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